General / Recycling Advice

Office Recycling Ideas

We all have our separate bins at home and we encourage our family to recycle, but what about in the office – how much is recycled in your office?

Look at the materials that are used in large quantities within your office and consider how these could be recycled. Many companies will notice that paper is used in very high amounts, are you recycling paper in your office as well as other recyclable materials?

In this post we have put together some top recycling ideas for your office;

  • Have a look at how much waste paper your office produces, estimate the round amount and speak to a recycling company to pick it up and recycle it for you, if you’re in a smaller office or office unit then buddy up with local businesses to combine recyclables.
  • Popping some recycling pots or containers onto your employees individual desks will encourage them to recycle. If they only have one bin they may put all their rubbish there instead of going across the office to the recycling bin.
  • Make sure you put some recycling bins by printers and copiers or shipping and receiving areas. This means that as cardboard comes in it can be recycled quickly and employees are able to put waste paper into the recycling bin easily.
  • Label the recycling bins clearly, not only with this mean that employees will put the right things in the right bins but it will also remind them what else can be recycled. For example white paper, mixed paper, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, glass, aluminium, plastic, ink cartridges, batteries and such like.
  • When purchasing paper and card make sure that it can be recycled. For example thermal fax paper, glossy and plastic coatings, bright colours and adhesive products are not always recyclable.

By adopting a few simple recycling habits you can make a big difference not just to your office but to the environment too. You’d be surprised how much can be recycled so keep your eyes and ears pealed to make sure you are recycling as much as you possible can in your office. Why not utilise our free waste recycling signs to label the different material containers within your workplace.

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