Last night saw the first episode of Series 20 for the UK’s longest running technology show, The Gadget Show on Channel 5. Not only was it the show’s 10th Anniversary but it was also the first chance to see their new presenter Amy Williams.
Recently Pure Planet Recycling received a phone call asking to help create a scene where laptops were to be used as dominos in the shape of the Gadget Show’s Logo. It was for a segment on the evolution of the laptop over the years. As avid watchers of the show and fellow geeks we were delighted to be of assistance and loaned some laptops to create the scene as pictured below.
The hard drives from the old, non working laptops had already been removed and destroyed as part of our secure recycling process. This allowed us to be able to help the show out without fear of losing customers data or damage to working equipment. Then once we had received the laptops back from the production company we were able to dismantle the laptops to recycle the materials they are made from.
If you missed the show, please use the following link to watch the laptop dominos scene. Or to catch up on the 10th year anniversary episode, please see the link here on the Gadget Show website.