Environmental Policy
Pure Planet Recycling Ltd specialise in WEEE recycling and collect and recycle all types of electrical waste including fridges, lighting, and IT equipment via our permitted Authorised Treatment Facility in Bedfordshire.
As one of the fastest growing, environmentally conscious, and progressive companies within our business sector; we recognise all are business activities and services have the potential to cause an impact on the environment, therefore senior management have written this policy to endorse our aims with regards to our vision, mission, core values and beliefs.
This policy will complement our overall plan of promoting sustainable business practices and our Environmental Management System will provide the framework for setting and reviewing our environmental objectives and targets.
This policy sets out our vision and is the main driver towards contributing to a better environment and through a programme of continual improvement, we commit to:
- Maintaining, developing and continually improving the Environmental Management System to meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and to enhance environmental performance.
- Preventing or reduce risk of undesired effects, including the potential for external environmental conditions to affect the organisation.
- Integrate the EMS into core business processes.
- Protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organisation.
- Fulfilling our compliance obligations related to our environmental aspects.
- Increasing year on year the amount of equipment that can be reused by adopting the waste hierarchy, wherever possible.
- Coordinating business transport to reduce mileage, wherever possible.
- Promoting awareness on the need to store electrical waste safely prior to recycling.
- Engaging staff to enhance employee knowledge and understanding of environmental issues by promoting environmental awareness and provide training and support to enable implementation of this policy.
- Making policy available to all interested parties via our website and communicate to all persons working for or on behalf of the company to promote our business ethos.
- Work as one team with our customers, contractors, regulators, suppliers and with each other to achieve our vision.
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it is compatible with the context and strategic direction of the Company.
Date: 12/10/2023